This is the big hole in the ground for the foundation to the house that Jack (John)is adding on.

These are the cement walls for the basement to the house that Jack (John)is adding on.

This is the backside of the addition to the house that Jack (John)is adding on.

This is the frontside of the addition to the house that Jack (John)is adding on. Notice the lovely very old egg yolk yellow lead base paint on the side of the addition to the house that Jack (John)is adding on.

This is the new construction for the addition to the house that Jack (John)is adding on.

This is the storage area in the basement of the house that Jack (John) is adding on. His wife Penny organized this room. Each tub is labeled and stacked in order of usefullness. IF I'm EVER THIS ORGANIZED I'LL BE DEAD! Thank goodness he married somebody who is much more organize than his mother.

And this is “Diddle, diddle, dumpling, my son John” in the house that Jack (John) is adding on.