One of my uncles made this comment about this particular Celtic Cross. I found it rather interesting. I quite by accident added the red cross at the last minute.
Crosses in Celtic stone stelae, etc., have often been mistaken for Catholic Church introduction. But they predate the arrival of Catholic missionaries to Britain. They are better understood in terms of the Book of Kells, and the Sons of Horus in Egypt (and in the Book of Abraham), and in Indian (Hindu) mandalas, and Navajo "Whirling Log" sand (dry) paintings. They represent Earth, Air, Fire and Water, East, West, North, and South, breathing, circulation of the blood, intellect, and digestion, i.e., balance: the four gods of the four corners of the Earth, the matter from which the bodies of Adam and Eve were formed. The name of Adam means that he was "many", a composite, made of earth, air, fire and water, or of dust from the four quarters of the Earth. When a Navajo prepares her/himself for her/his Navajo version of the Endowment, s/he must travel on foot or by horseback with a hataathi (singer, cantor, if you will)) to each of the four sacred mountains bounding Navajo territory, and the hataathli takes a bit of soil from each mountain, and puts each in its little buckskin bag. Then in the ceremony, the singer puts all four bags into a larger bag, and pronounces the initiate to be "First Man". The four mountains are far apart, in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona... and in the case of some western Navajos, Navajo Mountain in Utah.
Note that the curved blue lines around the red "cross" connect to "below" and "above" points, whereas the east and west do not complete heart-shaped figures with points. That is because at the time of an Endowment ceremony, the righteous on Earth below make contact with the Holy Ones in Heaven above. The same idea appears in the Star of David.
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